September 11-13, 2006 Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal |
STATISTICS of CONTROLO’2006The Local Organizing Committee of CONTROLO’2006 is proud to announce that the response to the Call for Papers was very enthusiastic exceeding our initial expectations. We received 181 submissions from 25 different countries all over the world. After the reviewing process has finished, 125 papers were selected for oral presentations and 12 for poster presentations, which gives a rejection rate of 24.3%. We also acknowledge the strong commitment from several worldwide researchers in organizing high-quality Invited Sessions in CONTROLO’2006. This time, 6 invited sessions on topics that spam the entire spectrum of theory and practice in the field of automatic control are available to all participants. Papers submitted to invited sessions were subject to the same review process as regular papers. The quality of the reviewing process is also worth mentioning. A very thorough and valuable effort made by the reviewers resulted that all papers have received at least two independent assessments, while 70% of the papers received at least 3 reviews. Accepted papers have the following geographical distribution (first author affiliation):