
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO’2006, to be held in Lisbon, from 11 to 13 September 2006. This event is organized in cooperation with APCA and Instituto Superior Técnico. APCA is the Portuguese Association of Automatic Control which is a national member organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

The CONTROLO’2006 will provide an excellent opportunity for presenting new results and to discuss the latest research and developments in the field of automatic control. The conference is intended as an international forum where an effective exchange of knowledge and experience amongst researchers active in various theoretical and applied areas of systems and control can take place. Participation of engineers and other scientists from industry is particularly welcome. The program will include an ample space for promoting the implementation of new technologies, emphasizing simultaneously the real-world challenges in their applications.
CONTROLO’2006 will have 3 types of sessions:

  • Plenary lectures, to be given by leading experts in the field.
  • Regular oral sessions.
  • Poster sessions.
  • Tutorial session (open to all registrants)

CONTROLO’2006 also encourages the submission of Invited Sessions on well-defined subjects of current interest belonging to the scope of the conference. Authors that wish to organize an Invited Session in CONTROLO'2006 should first contact the organization, otherwise the session might not be considered.

Normal and Invited Sessions papers will be further screened for possible publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Systems Science.

You are kindly invited to participate in the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control in 2006.

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon.